Comentarios sobre México y sus políticos

"Es más fácil desintegrar un átomo que un prejuicio" (Albert Einstein)

"El castigo que los hombres buenos tienen que pagar por no estar interesados en la política es ser gobernados por hombres peores que ellos mismos" (Platón)

"La derecha cree en el libre mercado, la izquierda en la libertad social, y ambas no se dan cuenta que uniéndose se forma el liberalismo" (Sergio Sarmiento)

domingo, octubre 14, 2007

Glenn Beck is an ignorant

Glenn Beck is an ignorant. He doesn't know the history between Mexico and USA nor the current world politics. He doesn't know the basics of economy either. First of all, half of USA's territory used to belong to Mexico. After an unfair war, USA conquered those territories. Even Abraham Lincoln, when he was a Congressman, said the war was a shame.

Beck says that there is border line. That's correct. He says that president Calderon, or any Mexican, should not comment about USA's internal affairs. OK, that sounds good. So, why has USA been invading other countries? Remember Irak, Afganistan, Panama, Vietnam, Korea, and many other countries. And of course, Mexico many times.

And immigration is an economical problem. There are many jobs that USA's citizens don't want to do. So, many people from many countries, not only Mexico, are going to USA to work and fulfill that demand.

Also, how can Beck explain the one million of retired baby boomers that are living in Mexico already? Or the hundreds of thousands of USA's citizens coming every year to Mexico's tourist places. He said nobody wanted to go south of the border.

By the way, America is the whole continent.
Learn something!!

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At 3:51 p.m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

You forgot to mention that many veterans, and "Baby Boomers" come to live to Mexico, because their checks doesnt allow them to live well in the U.S.

At 3:55 p.m., Blogger Dany Gates said...

Thanks for your comments. Yes, I did not mention many things. It's hard to put in a short space so many things.

Yes, it could be truth that their checks don't allow them to live in USA. But anyway the fact is they decide to come to Mexico.



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